Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Portobello Pizza

Portobello Pizza

“The Pizza Therapy Book was great and
the directions were very easy to follow.
Pizza turned out great and all your tips were very helpfulPizza Therapy is the greatest. THANK YOU. Thomas

and this:

I want to thank you for all the help you have given me. I have been making pizza for many years and could not get it right. It was always home made pizza. After using your recipe, my pizza is as good if not better than pizza from the best pizzeria. It is perfect, I can’t say enough. I get lots of compliments. I came from a area that made excellent pizza, After moving to a area where you can’t get good pizza, Now, my pizza is the best.

Thank you so much.”
John DeVito, PA


The best pizza I have ever made“...

“The best pizza I have ever made.  It was a true success.  I have a two year old son … My past dough had not turned out too well, but I wanted us to make the pizza together so it was interactive and special for him.  It was, and The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book  assisted us in having the best homemade pizza in our house  in over 4 years of marriage. Well worth the price.”


I have been making bread for about 20 years but never could master pizza.
 Not any more!!!

“Dear Albert ,I just wanted you to know that I finally made pizza.  I have been making bread for about 20 years but never could master pizza.  Not any more!!!  I used your basic recipe and all the hints and it was great.  I already had a stone and peel but did not know how to use them properly.  Thank you for writing The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book .  I can’t wait to make pizza again!” Alma



“Was just finishing up reading the book American Pie by Peter Reinhart – in the acknowledgement section he thanks Albert Grande @ pizza for all of his help and ideas compiling ideas for pizza made at home One of three great books on the subject.

The others called The pizza Bible by Tony Gemignani and the other by Albert Grande (of course) called Pizza Therapy.

After reading through these two other books and looking at all the other different ideas that the two other pizza chefs have , Albert has succeeded in making it easy and a very pleasant experience to explore pizza at home. Thank you much! Albert!… yes pizza is on the menu this weekend again!”

Michael-Anna McDonald


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The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book: Unlock the Secret of Making Pizza

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